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What sort of cases can Michael Dyck help me with?

Michael is prepared to assist clients who are charged with criminal offences only. So, if you were charged with an offence by the police, Michael would be happy to assist you.

If you have a problem with child support, child custody, or divorce proceedings, you need a lawyer who focuses on family law. Michael Dyck is not prepared to assist you with these sorts of cases. Instead, he recommends you can call Legal Aid Manitoba directly at 204-985-8500.

Is Michael Dyck a Legal Aid Lawyer?

The term "legal aid lawyer" is a bit unclear. There are two types of lawyers who accept clients on a Legal Aid basis:

  1. Legal Aid Staff Lawyers - these are lawyers employed by Legal Aid Manitoba. They work exclusively for Legal Aid.

  2. Private Bar Lawyers - these are lawyers who work at law firms. These lawyers can choose whether or not to accept a client on a Legal Aid basis. They also accept clients who are able to pay privately.

Michael Dyck is a Private Bar Lawyer and a Partner at his firm, but he does still accept some clients on a Legal Aid basis.

Will I qualify for legal aid?

Legal Aid Manitoba helps provide legal services to individuals who are eligible. Legal Aid looks at both your financial status (how much money you make) as well as the type of criminal charge you are facing to determine if you qualify or not. If the charges are not serious enough, Legal Aid will not approve your application. Michael Dyck encourages his clients to apply for Legal Aid if he thinks they will qualify. For more information about Legal Aid Manitoba, you can visit their website and click here.

How do I apply for legal aid with criminal charges?

Michael Dyck has all the necessary paperwork at his office. Simply connect with Michael today to schedule your free initial consultation so he can answer your questions and complete a Legal Aid application with you. Visit the Contact page or complete the form above to connect now.